
Monthly Archives: February 2018

7 years ago PRP Therapy News

PRP featured at aesthetic medicine conference

From February 1st to 3rd 2018, the International Master Course on Ageing Science IMCAS took place in Paris, France. The conference is considered as one of the leading events in Europe gathering more than 8,000 physicians and 230 exhibiting companies from the aesthetic industry. The use of Platelet Rich Plasma PRP was presented in more than 30 scientific presentations and symposia .

PRP is increasingly used as combination treatment, as highlighted in the presentations by Drs. Muller and Palatin. The safe and effective use of Platelet Rich Plasma in treating alopecia (hair loss) was presented by Drs. Keaney, Sadick and Gentile. The combination of PRP with lipoaspirate for lipofilling was also presented by Drs. Meningaud and Goisis. Lastly, new evolving treatment options using PRP in sexual medicine were also discussed by Drs Hersant, Virag and Leshubov.

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